
What Matters Most

Shifting Priorities When Faced With Your Mortality with Nicole Holland

Hosts & Guests

Chris Williams

Nicole Holland



In the blink of an eye, everything changed for Nicole Holland. A life-altering diagnosis forced her to confront her mortality, but what happened next was unexpected. The twist in her story will leave you in awe, and eager to discover how Nicole’s journey unfolds.


My special guest is Nicole Holland.


Nicole Holland, a seasoned personal advisor to visionary leaders, brings over 30 years of coaching experience and a diverse professional background, including a correctional officer role and running a publicity agency. Her deep understanding of human nature, honed through interaction with individuals from various walks of life, including foster children, celebrities, and business owners, enables her to guide people in realizing their authentic selves. Despite her ongoing health challenges, Nicole’s perspective on life emphasizes living in the present and cherishing each day, a mindset she has cultivated since childhood. Her unique insights into the temporary nature of life and the importance of making a positive impact resonate deeply with those seeking purpose and fulfillment.


“We come into the world and we leave the world, and it’s how we live in the world, in our day-to-day experiences that makes our life and leaves our legacy.” -Nicole Holland


Conversation Highlights:

  • Embrace intentional living and unlock a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in your daily life.

  • Gain valuable insights into leading a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

  • Learn effective strategies for living with intention and purpose.

  • Discover how to leave a lasting, meaningful legacy that reflects your values and impact on the world.

  • Cultivate a more meaningful life by incorporating purpose-driven actions into your daily routine.



  • Reflect on the question: If you were given three months to live, how would you spend it? Take time to journal and contemplate your answer, and consider how it aligns with your current priorities and actions.

  • Evaluate your life goals that haven’t been actualized and consider how you would go about seeing them to fruition, given a limited time frame. Reflect on whether these goals still hold significance and how you can align your actions with your deepest values.

  • Write your eulogy as you wish it to be read. Take time to reflect on the impact you want to leave behind and the values you want to be remembered for. This exercise can provide clarity on your core values and guide your actions moving forward.

  • Identify one thing you would like to see manifest in its fullness before you leave this world. This could be a personal goal, a meaningful relationship, or a positive impact on others. Consider how you can take steps to bring this vision to fruition in your current reality.

  • Consider what you hope people will remember about you most after you’re gone. Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind and how you can align your actions with the values and impact you want to be remembered for.

  • Get in touch with Nicole through Fireside or follow Nicole on socials: LinkedIn and Instagram

  • Check out Nicole’s website,  Growth Seekers Welcome, and learn more about modern philosophy for abundant living.

Embrace intentional living
Living intentionally involves leading a life that aligns with your values and aspirations rather than blindly following societal norms or expectations. It can empower you to make decisions consciously and purposefully, resulting in a more fulfilling and impactful life. Nicole Holland’s story exemplifies this concept by showing how she pursued a nontraditional lifestyle—living in a van and advising visionary leaders—and embraced challenges with grace and courage because they were in line with her goals and beliefs.


Key Moments:

00:00:00 – Introduction and Van Life
00:01:29 – Open to any Topic
00:05:00 – Nicole’s Background
00:07:22 – Living in the Moment
00:11:52 – Embracing Minimalism and Travel
00:15:32 – A Life-Altering Diagnosis
00:19:15 – Three Months to Live
00:22:23 – Life Goals and Fruition
00:27:51 – Balancing Mindset and Reality
00:32:41 – Focusing on Legacy
00:33:09 – Manifesting Fullness of Life
00:34:31 – Legacy and Remembrance
00:40:28 – Taking Action for a Purposeful Life
00:43:32 – Reflection and Eulogy
00:46:20 – Gratitude and Connection


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