What People Are Saying
“There’s tons of value there (Group Coach Nation Offer Lab). For me, in this particular instance, the materials and the content has been very powerful because it’s not stuff I know and it’s not stuff I do on the daily, so I had to learn it. It’s like I had to learn it somewhere or else I would never be able to help all these women that I want to help.”
-Kimberly Tableman
I got off a call with Chris and the team of Group Coach Nation. Honestly, those 90 minutes were just full of encouragement and inspiration and uplifting conversation. It was such an incredible time of recognizing value. After that call I grew even more in my confidence than I did before. I had not been valuing myself as much as I should have in terms of the dollar sign I attached to my time, my effort, my program and my 1-to-1, so honestly after that call I took it to the next level. I cannot recommend it enough. Jump on a call with Chris and the team – in those 90 minutes anything can happen. Thank you so much guys, keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re on the fence about whether you should attend something like this, don’t be on the fence jump to the other side and say yes! If you’ve done this before and you want to work with Chris and do more work, definitely do it. They are amazing and I am all for it!
-Sharon McClatchey
“What the program enabled me to do was to gain clarity as to what my program was, who I was targeting, what my messaging was and how I was going to get them into my program.
If you are looking to create a group coaching program or a mastermind, I recommend this.
For the networking, for the support, for the learning and for what you will achieve in the 90 days, I highly recommend this!”
– Louise McDonnell
“We’re in this long term. Chris wants us to succeed both in our personal and professional lives. To be able to build something that we’re proud of and create a life that’s the one that we’re dreaming about and not one that burns us out and tosses us on the roadside. It’s a long term thing that Chris is helping us build. He understands the challenges. He’s in this, doing it and it’s not just something that he’s talked about and looked at. He’s actually living the same life and is further ahead going, “hey, come on!””
Mike Forrester
“I decided to take the plunge, went into the 90 day mastermind not sure what to expect.
So after 90 days what did I end up with?
I have a solid offer that resonates with people, I’ve tested it, people like the concept, they know what they’re getting and it’s simple enough for them to understand. I have a target market and I have a plan for launch!”
-Charles Alexander
“I joined Group Coach Nation, like three or four days ago, and in just the first couple of days, it feels like I’ve had the can opened on the top of my head and all of the things that have been really bottled up and bogging me down are freely flowing. I have just come up with a multimillion dollar idea and then had help to structure it in a way that I can actually sell it to the right people, at the price point that I deserve to make and I’m super, super excited about it. Thank you Group Coach Nation!”
-Brittany Bettini
“I was about to launch a group coaching model and it turns out it had a horrible flaw to it, and that was, I wasn’t charging enough, and I thought I was charging as much as I could. By getting the accountability and the support from a group setting in Group Coach Nation, as well as the expert advice from Chris Williams, I’ve experienced, in just one month’s time so far, my mindset shifting, that the program I have is of high value therefore I could charge the high price and I’m not trying to be everything to everyone. I’m trying to be a very specific solution to a very specific audience to solve a very specific problem. So, by wrapping my head around that specialization, being able to price for it and being able to communicate around it and position myself for that, I now have gone from “Man, I really hope I make it in this business” to “I can’t wait for this thing to really pick up its momentum because it’s there”. And that’s what Group Coach Nation has done for me just in the first 30 days.”
-Jerry Dugan
“The thing I have to say is that the course itself is probably five levels above anything I’ve done before and I’ve done a few programs up till now, but just the combination of simplicity but absolute detail of what it is we need to do is just blowing my mind. The fact is that Chris is on every training call, so it’s not one of these, you know, you sign up to a big name program and you never see the lead name. Chris is there all the time giving great training and great advice. One month in and everything’s changed, so I’m really looking forward to the next couple of months.”
-Dr. Joanne Cresswell
“I’ve recently connected with Chris Williams from Group Coach Nation and he really helped me have a bit of clarity around what it is I’m doing and how I can be a bit more successful. He truly does have your best interests at heart. Super wonderful person. I feel he’s totally authentic. I’ve met him twice now and I feel I know, like, and trust him already. Hope you get to work with him!”
-Anne DeButte
“Chris goes above and beyond to give connections, to serve, and give ideas. His insights allowed me to close a $10,000 offer. Thank you Chris!”
-Brenda Byers
“I’ve learned so many things from Chris, like, how to be a better coach, which wasn’t even part of the deal. The deal was how to do masterminds, and now I’m learning how to be a better coach, how to get my students better results, and all of the nuts and bolts of running a mastermind. And, oh yeah, I am working less. We are not spending money on Facebook, we are being deliberate about who we invite into our world, and I’ve also built the confidence to sell a high-ticket mastermind.”
-Matt Caissie
“Learning how to build my own mastermind through Group Coach Nation has been a game changer. It’s a full mastermind right now. We’ve got zero people leave. And I believe that’s because Group Coach Nation really helped us figure out how to design this and build this in a really successful way.”
– Alex Sanfilippo
“If you want to learn how to grow a mastermind, there is nobody better in this industry to show you exactly how to go about doing that. Chris is the nuts, the bolts, the process…that’s what I absolutely love about him.”
– Phil Pelucha

Chris, I can’t tell you how much your program has helped us not just on the branding side but also on the real estate side. One of the things I really liked that we learned from you is using the mastermind as social proof from other peers that are also attempting to do the same thing. Having the ability to bounce off of other people that are in the same space is more social proof that that’s exactly what you should be doing. This has helped us tremendously in convincing our branding clients to execute on our branding strategies. Instead of continually meeting with them to overcome their doubts and fears around execution, just put them all in one room together and say, “Let them prove it.”

I’ve expanded my capacity for trial and error through this program. It’s like if I wanted to sell a bike, I’d build the whole bike and get it all worked out, oil it, polish it all up and then set it out on the curb. But, with this program it’s more like I’ve got this janky frame from the Salvation Army that I spit shine a little bit and put out on the curb and look around for friends and say, “Okay, what do you think? Big tires? Fat tires? Skinny tires?” And then those who show up, collaborate and build together. Then you end up with this super swanky Schwinn that you never would have had and you wouldn’t even have envisioned it by yourself. I appreciate that. I appreciate everybody’s contributions. I’m excited to see what kind of bicycles we’re building.
“I’ve been a part of a ton of groups, but at Group Coach Nation, you are getting exponentially more value than what you paid for, because you’re also tapping into the expertise and the engagement of a much broader community of people who are genuinely experts and probably have the answer to all of these other questions and challenges that you’re facing in your business.”
– Jhana Li

This program has helped me take myself and my business much more seriously. It’s helped me sort through the layers of belief you have to get through to make things possible and allowed me to step into my role as an authority in my field. I don’t think I understood how much doubt I had that this could work for me. Going through the Group Coach Nation mastermind has been a massive shift for me and my business.

After going through the Group Coach Nation mastermind, for the first time ever, I realized that I can scale my time and my money at the same time and by scale my time, I mean, spend it more wisely. I have family members that are aging and I want to be there for them and I want to travel and I want to do all those things. So that’s what this program brought to me. I do realize I can do all those things now, for sure.

“Group Coach Nation… incredibly authentic, kind, generous people who want to see you be successful.”
– Jason Harwood

“I don’t let a lot of folks into my circle and I don’t do a ton of referring. But Chris has real ability and for me that is why I refer people to him. Chris is the real deal! A real human and a real experience that is actually going to do something for you versus all of the marketing nonsense that’s out there.”
– Michael Roderick
“The wisdom Chris shares and the caliber of people he brings together is amazing! The impact being in his mastermind has had on me and my business is priceless.
I’ve been in business for over 10 years and have been searching for ways to grow and scale my business. Chris’ approach to building high-ticket masterminds was exactly what I was looking for. What he teaches and what he preaches works.“
– Dean Isaacs
“If you’re thinking about anything to do with high-ticket masterminds…, Chris Williams is your guy.”
– Jennie Wright

“Chris will absolutely change the way that you think about limits and he’s not just trying to make money, he’s the real deal! He really cares and he’s really, really good at helping you own whatever your genius is and use that to serve other people.“
– Kevin Kepple
🔥 Leadership Coaching Expert
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 $60,000 from first launch

“My top 3 reasons for joining Group Coach Nation and why you should consider doing the same:
(1) Chris and his team are so incredible. The high standard they hold themselves to in order to help us, the client inside the mastermind, get results in our own business, developing our own mastermind experiences, makes the process simple, straightforward, focused, and not intimidating.
(2) Chris and his team create a culture, right at the beginning, where people connect to one another and create opportunities for one another. They sincerely, thoughtfully, and generously share referrals, and it leads to genuine friendships that will last a long time. The culture in the mastermind leads to incredible paid opportunities: connections, clients, collaborations, and the list goes on…
(3) Chris is a master when it comes to delegation, systems, operations, and prioritizing the people and the passions in his life that matter the most and has his business wrap around those. Through this mastermind, Chris helped me open up so much time to be present to the arrival of our new child and this stage of life that I’m now in.
For these reasons and more, I benefitted immensely from being inside Group Coach Nation.”
– Blake “Fly” Fleischacker
“Chris Williams and Group Coach Nation are phenomenal! It was just a few weeks into the program when we launched a coaching program because we realized we could do it. And then, we met a lot of great people in our group with which we’ve built relationships. They encouraged us and helped us figure things out, and we still have relationships with them now that the group is over.
If you’re thinking about creating a high-ticket mastermind to share your knowledge and get paid very well for it, there’s no better choice to make than Chris Williams and Group Coach Nation. You’re going to find a phenomenal plan, great content, a superb team, answers to any question you have, and a phenomenal network.
– Michael DeLon
“This model that Chris brought into our world and showed us, and the way he’s been leading the charge to show that not only is this the system but this is how you run the system, was probably the most pivotal piece in our career to date.”
– Sean M.
🔥 B2B Sales Experts
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Over $60,000 in first month

Chris Williams, thanks for our call yesterday. I’ll be implementing much of what we discussed this week. I greatly appreciate all your insight and advice.

“I’ve always just figured stuff out through trial and error but joining the program has really made my learning a lot quicker. I’ve avoided lots of mistakes, which is cool. I got what I needed to learn and then applied it and got results!”
– Seb B.
🔥 Business Optimization Specialist
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Saved 10 hrs/wk in 30 days
Looking for clarity and direction to grow your own high-ticket mastermind?
Choose the level below that best matches your current situation.

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: None required
- Clients Sold: 5+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $5k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: At least 1 part time
- Clients Sold: 10+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $10k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Authority
- Audience: Established
- Team: 3+ members
- Clients Sold: 50+ Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current Sales: $50k+ per month
“The top thing I’ve gotten out of Chris’ training has got to be… I deserve great things! Such as time freedom, an amazing team, AND that I am worth whatever number I say because I am the expert. Do the work and get results. It’s that simple!”
– Carol K.
🔥 Facebook Strategist
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Became completely debt-free

Very grateful for the positive impact of this group and the strategy session with Chris. — feeling inspired.

Thanks Chris for being the leader and example you are. 🙏💪👊
“A bit piece of the puzzle that has been missing has been put into place.”

“Figuring out what problem did you solve for yourself that made a transformation, that is the solution that you’re selling and that’s what you taught me.”
– Junaid A.
🔥 Media Production Consultant
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Clarity = Opportunity
If you’re an expert, teacher, coach, or author and wish you had a high-ticket group coaching model to get your time back and dramatically increase your profit and impact, then this is for you!
Discover the Purpose, Framework and Starting Point for Your Mastermind
Get the
Group Coach Nation
Join the Group Coach Nation Facebook Community

“Selling isn’t something that you’re good at or not, it’s actually something that you practice and there’s actual technical tools to learn it. The first sales call I tried after Chris’ sales training was so easy. Getting on sales calls was always a stressor for me and this time I didn’t even have to try. Chris made it really effortless.”
– Lilah H.
🔥 Brand Designer for Online Coaches
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 90 Day Goal: $25k/mth – Actual: $44k/mth
Looking for clarity and direction to grow your own high-ticket mastermind?
Choose the level below that best matches your current situation.

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: None required
- Clients Sold: 5+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $5k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: At least 1 part time
- Clients Sold: 10+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $10k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Authority
- Audience: Established
- Team: 3+ members
- Clients Sold: 50+ Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current Sales: $50k+ per month
“In going through the training, from the first session, it provided the wanted pressure to get to a spot of moving forward, launching, and taking action. Having the continual guidance as we were launching the program and setting it up was tremendous. I don’t think we’d get to where we are today without going through that additional training.”
– Ian D.
🔥 E-Commerce Expert
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 From no list to 9 seats filled in 60 days

This past June I invested in Chris’s Master Class. Before Chris and I crossed paths, I’ve been a freelance WordPress website developer who hit a plateau and kept attracting low caliber clientele (people who think that $1,000 is too expensive for a website). I also knew that I wanted to make that transition from freelancer to agency owner (or in Robert Kiyosaki’s terms, go from the ‘S’ quadrant to the ‘B’ quadrant) but just didn’t know how.
Ever since I completed the Master Class course content and homework assignments, I have had much more focus and direction. He is real to the point on what you need to do to optimize your digital business and build your virtual team. He also teaches you how to think like a boss and a CEO (like someone in the ‘B’ quadrant).
I have also enjoyed Chris’s live Q&As on Mondays – he likes to make sure that participants get their money’s worth.
Just recently on my 3 year self employment anniversary, I landed a high ticket client (anyone in my world who is happy to pay more than $1,000 for a website is considered high ticket). Since this client wanted someone experienced with creating membership sites, I almost turned away this client. But then Chris reminded me to assure the client that the main goal of a website is to serve as a place to build that know, like, and trust factor with visitors (and then provide that “next step”).
Long story short, this client agreed to pay me $3,000 to build his membership site (this initial invoice is for half; the other half will be paid after I finish and launch his site):

This is a big deal for me because this is the largest amount I’ve ever collected from a client. Before this, my largest PayPal invoice was about $800.
With all this said, I can honestly say that I have gotten my ROI – Chris’s guidance and mentorship has paid for itself.
From this point on, I will continue to figure out how I can level up and further optimize my online business at least once a quarter.
Like Chris always says – do the work and get results!
Andrew Martinez – WordPress Website Consultant

If you’re an expert, teacher, coach, or author and wish you had a high-ticket group coaching model to get your time back and dramatically increase your profit and impact, then this is for you!
Discover the Purpose, Framework and Starting Point for Your Mastermind
Get the
Group Coach Nation
Join the Group Coach Nation Facebook Community
“Chris is a genius at creating masterminds and helping fill coaching programs as a tool to leverage cash fast and have high impact quickly.”
– Lisanne M.
🔥 FB Ads Expert
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Filled 1st mastermind within 1 month

“Chris has an efficient, excellent model. We listened, made the adjustments and within only one month of putting everything together, we filled up our mastermind, did over $60k just in that month, and will probably double in the following month.”
– Chris B.
🔥 B2B Sales Expert
🔥 No pre-existing audience
🔥 Over $60,000 in first month
Looking for clarity and direction to grow your own high-ticket mastermind?
Choose the level below that best matches your current situation.

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: None required
- Clients Sold: 5+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $5k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Expert
- Audience: None required
- Team: At least 1 part time
- Clients Sold: 10+ 1-on-1, DFY or Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current sales: $10k+ average per sale

- Subject Matter Authority
- Audience: Established
- Team: 3+ members
- Clients Sold: 50+ Group clients in the past 12 months
- Current Sales: $50k+ per month